
Get 10% off when you try our services! when you sign for 6 mo. and 20% for 1 year.

Price List

10% off 3-6 month prepaid / 20% off 7-12 month prepaid 30 days required to cancel. Under 30 days then a 1/2 day or full day payment will be assessed on credit card. If sent to collections, all reasonable fees , including attourney and collection fees apply.

1/2 day rental per use


Pay with PayPal or a debit/credit card

7-12  or 12-5 Use of 2500 sq foot of Space!. Includes Printer and Basic Office Supplies. You can use Paypal as a Guest 

Full Day Rental Per Use


Pay with PayPal or a debit/credit card

7-5 Use of 2500 sq foot of Space!. Includes Printer and Basic Office Supplies. You can use Paypal as a Guest 

6 month 1/2 day rental Prepaid with 10% off


Pay with PayPal or a debit/credit card

135$/day . Must be prepaid and no refunds/exchanges.  All sales final. You can use Paypal as a Guest 

6 month prepaid Full Day Rental with 10% discount


Pay with PayPal or a debit/credit card

360.00  per day . Must be prepaid . No refunds or exchanges allowed. All Sales Final. You can use Paypal as a Guest 

1 year 1/2 day rental . Prepaid with 20% off!


Pay with PayPal or a debit/credit card

320$/day 1 year rental. No refunds or exchanges.  20% off!. All sales final

1 year prepaid Rental Full Day . 20% off


Pay with PayPal or a debit/credit card

320$ /day for 1 one year commitment prepaid! 20% off. No refunds/exchanges. All sales final